re: Yanking folks out of the matrix...

Thanks for getting me.
When I saw The Matrix, I couldn't help but notice black folks get to survive that scenario. A few years ago, I learned it was written by a Black woman and I had to watch it again. Well, by that time, I could just replay the whole thing in my head! Yeah, yeah...I know I'm a maxie-zoom

­-dweebie. http://gue­rillaarts.­­orum/topic­s/668579:Topic:124­61

I can't help it when dirty little lies grow up into statistics­. The movie makes sense when I think of Black folks being out of the matrix, having to adjust in order to exist inside it. Things get hinky when you are forced to live against your true nature. We try to help, but when the Smith's get a hold of you, it's hard to get through. And the lie wins, for awhile.
The Oracle takes on a new meaning for me as well... I'll think about it when I get her book.
(points to time-stamp­)
I may not agree with this tomorrow..­.. Your mileage may certainly vary. 
(I had the post to blog thing working before...I must have borked it. I'm not much of an end user...sigh)

The Huff borked my post...

This country has had it's value system all borked up and sold the people onto the corporate plantation you see today. It's a twisted sense of independen

­ce that the uber rich preach, but don't follow. You don't see THEM tossing their kids into the street laughing at them while they flounder..­. like Cain who goes flaunting his wealth saying, "I got MINE, where's YOURS!". Families USED to pass on the wealth to their legacies so they wouldn't have to start life at 0 or a big gaping minus when they're trying to start their lives. For instance, my father was raised in a home passed down to his mother. My mother left land in Kansas...i­t's gone now. Dad's childhood home, a lovely old Victorian beauty...n­ow belongs to Hallmark. All of those amazing homes are now a green patch of grass. Medicaid ate up 2 homes in Kansas. They protect their legacies by stealing ours. 
When the corporate plantation sold our jobs, thousands at a time, I was just trying to get a handle on my own little piece of dirt, and now I'm in a one bedroom apartment. Shoot, I coulda partied through the last thirty years and done THIS "well". I overqualif
­ied my butt completely out of the game. So now that the baby boomers have sucked ALL the air out of the room...and started selling it. (air=bandw­idth such as cellular services) "time" when at this point in the telecommun­ications there is no need for the telephone poles Ma Bell wouldn't let anyone else play on until a guy stuck a sponge on the phone. sorry for the ramble, it's just how it comes out for me. It's just so frustratin­g to me that if you don't pay for the truth, all you get are lies. The media has been pimping the hard right agenda since Nixon! The world have been manipulate­d by lies people acted on. Like racism... Families like mine have been educators and communicat­ors since before we were allowed to read. Sure, we died and­d people didn't learn because they were lied to. Since the dawn of time, promoting ignorance, greed, division..­.same recipe for the same old crap. and they never stay quite sharp enough to make us fall for it because nothing can suppress the INFINITE. Evolution is going to happen whether you put it in the text books or not. 
Science, get over yourself! You act like the virus didn't exist before the microscope was invented! And you probably think this song is about YOU! True power is in the ability to uplift another, not in the oppression
­. Freeing a mind uplifts you. Oppressing another only makes you "better" than the poor sap you've smacked down. Eventually­, that poor sap gets to thinking. Geeks like me don't take that kind of mess for long. I am probably more powerful now, as busted up as I am, than anyone who tried to stomp me down. I'm a patient woman who has been waiting 46 years to see an active brain cell in the Oval Office. We came close, but Barack Hussein Obama is the one I've been waiting for. Simple minds think it's some kind of savior worship. We have got to admit that we haven't had any real common sense happening in Washington since Benjamin Franklin! Why can't we learn from our mistakes? And what's wrong with pointing those mistakes out? We do that with our children don't we? We don't stand for people lying to those we care about. And the answer is, to stop caring? Excuse me while I puke a little. Since the dawn of greed, people have been trying to monopolize the infinite and the best weapon against that is knowledge. So, President Obama said we need that tax money in order to bring quality education to the masses. Self Paced homeschool­ing plus telecommut­ing=green economy. 

Beware of those fighting empowermen
­t. These are not your friends! Billionair­es are so ignorant, they think we envy them. Wow...that­'s so pathetic!


For the past few weeks, my ears were ringing incessantly.  I think it was sound of my brain rewinding the past 44 years of lies and misdirects.  yes, I remember when I learned we were "scarey" at the age of 2.  I think I get touchy when people are hurt by the same crap I've suffered, when it's all based on a dirty that people happen to act on.  It's like I've been a freakin' guinea pig my whole life.  There weren't only observing me and my ancestors...they were also observing those who stood by.  I have three three ancestors that can relate, but still can't seem to hate the other two.  I mean, what's the point?  I was born at ground zero and all the crap rolled out from there.  My generation was a bunch of test subjects!  "Why does little Andrea test 99 percentile and her grades are just so-so"..Well, why did you try to bore me to death?  Did it ever occur to you that I needed to be staring out the window and hang with my higher self while you were teaching us how to count on our toes?  I suppose geniuses like my parents (my mother was from Kansas), just should NOT breed!  LOL 

I'm so excited about the 99% because it seemed it was NEVER going to happen.  And just when I was wondering when critical thinking skills will start to kick in and then the president says "Green Energy" and I'm good!!  I no longer need to wonder if I'm some kind of alien hybrid born in the NSA dungeon.  I'm from's one of those..."You know you're from Bowie if at least one of your friends doesn't know what their parents really do for a living" kind of places.  I understand why Dad used to cuss out the Washington Post after took of his badge and yell at teh evening news until dinnertime.  I remember how these kids feel when the see some bobble head doll cheat them out of their futures.  Let's just say, I think Little Man Tate was a wuss. lol..  So this is the beginning of a huge awakening.  And I just gotta get my snark-on.  I didn't know how it would come about...still watching the whole thing unfold.  I'm a Reiki master so this is very exciting.  A paradigm shift is and awesome thing to see.  It's a shame the media insists on blocking it.  But people are still not zooming out to see the bigger picture yet....the sharecropper's economy we've been sold into.  Imagine the "Oh shit" factor when folks really look at this thing. Poking fun at the GOP was fun, but it's getting old and Oakland PD is throwing gas cans at uniformed sailors asking them to let the protestors tend to the people they wounded.  They know the cams were rolling and still lying about it in the press conference.  The game is over...I'm just wondering what will happen when China finds out.
I guess I feel a lot like this guy... 

I'll be happy when I can get my blog formatted in some intelligible way.  But for now, I need to get some circulation happening in my legs. 

occupy *.*

The 99% is making the truth known.  The big lie is being squashed and folks are realizing the oppression that has been choking the world.  As more and more countries rise up around the Globe, the love is flowing free and healing is happening now.
How can I be mad at folks who have been misinformed?  The corporate plantation got me too and I knew the truth....but stubbornly tried to live up to the family's expectations....tried to win the game.  I was informed and still got caught.  I'm really too busy laughing at myself to be mad at anybody.
I've been working on this problem for years....and keep getting the same answer.
You cannot monopolize the infinite.
There is no Freedom until all are Free
No peace while war exists...
No prosperity on the backs of others.
I wonder how this will all turn out...

Ignorance is the problem, education is accessible

It SHOULD say, "We the 53% were too lazy to study Black History and can't see the plantation rising up around us".  We've been waiting patiently, but folks don't listen.  I am a hyphenated-America, born in the United States of America.  I have no interest in this USA Inc the hard right is pimping.

Up until 81, ATT held a monopoly because they owned the phones, telephone poles and copper lines.  A sponge broke that up.  But now, with cellular technologies, they are charging people for the air between them.  It's all about education and commerce.  If everyone had a good education and fair access to commerce, we'd all rise up together.

So, it looks like it's time to beef up the internet again and get going with freeing up education.  Years ago, I noticed a big US Sprint sign on a stadium.  I thought, wow...revenge of the nerds.  The guys from the Bell labs were were dissed by ATT for so long, took their revenge by BUYING the jocks.  Now they've held the NBA hostage.  They won't play if you don't pay.  They went native and are sucking up the bandwidth again.
Every time we attempt demand improvements in education, they pull this same stunt of blaming little Julio for taking up a seat in a school offering inferior education.
Another thing that has been suppressed is access to telecommuting jobs.
Instead of offering women a choice, we ALL got pushed out into the workforce leaving kids to raise each other and we all know how THAT worked out.  Men couldn't be taught the value of motherhood since it didn't earn a paycheck and was degraded into something that had no value.

The truth is that quality education can be had by any kid with an iPad, iPod, Laptop, Android, game console, etc.  If you think TVs are smart now, wait until WE get hold of it.
Sprint and the other telecommunications companies are holding back the infrastructure that would bring quality education to the masses.  Face it, the school system we currently have is based on an antiquated institution built to train factory drones and it has YET to evolve!  They won't give it up until we pay dearly for it and where ATT complained that the telephone lines belong to them, telecommunications companies are charging for AIR!  With satellite communications and cell towers.....they are NOT providing much of anything since all we need is a few satellites and some cell towers.  This is what President Obama is trying to bring to the people!  Beware of ANYONE fighting education because ignorance is the way of oppression.    For the past 20 years, geeks all over the world have pushed technologies along, helping to bring more power to the internet.  Yelling WE NEED MORE COWBELL to they're support geeks in order to enhance services and help them learn how.
There has to be a precedence we can site to support this.  Charging for air?  REALLY?
must move on now... no time to edit any more.

The Internet/metverse has a need.....MORE COWBELL

Does anybody else notice that whenever somebody in Congress wants to do something stupid, they say, "The Obama admin did this, and the Obama admin did that", when pimping whatever agenda some 1% thinks will scare the masses into compliance?
Just look at the last few weeks, you'll see how they've been playing by the Willie Lynch playbook.
Nobody even knows if that letter is real in the first place.

Anyway, it's knowledge they're holding ransom and it's time to EMBOLDEN the IT backbone.  Since before they allowed Black folks to read, we've been calling for "More Cowbell" to get the 1% to quit holding back the flow of education.
At this point, 3D web is muddling along, on whatever we've been able to scrape up in time, money and knowledge.  What did you think the "overqualified" geeks of the world were doing???
We brought you L33T when we got to the internet...we were still nervous about spelling "Free Energy", so it looked like Fr33 NRG.  When we got busy signals trying to dial in on AOL, we yelled "MORE COWBELL" and we got Yahoo, Google and whatnot.  Before then, AOL held our URLs for ransom until AOHell and folks made it possible for us to back them to IE or whatever browser came out, I forget.  THEN we got busy signals until 2am.   "MORE COWBELL" we got DSL and internet through cable.  If you think your TV is smart now, wait until we get our own cable channel.  Meanwhile, we'll just keep on streaming our youtube video tutorials to your laptops, game consoles, iPads, IPhones.....just leave little Jose in school for now, OKAAAAY?  He is NOT the drain on the school system the 1% you think.  LOOK UP and see the big money trying to keep you ignorant while protecting you from whatever Boogeyman, Inc tells you to fear.  There is absolutely NO REASON that moms can't telecommute and go back home to raise their kids!  ERA was the 1% expanding the tax base!  What happened to the choice?  Sure, soap operas made the work place look so interesting and mistrust the men that we had to get out there and see what the fuss was all about.  You could have taught the difference between 'perceived value' and 'real value' in order to appreciate stay at home moms, but scared women into the workplace.  We saw what the men were up to....said, "Is THAT IT????" and couldn't find a way to do the most import an work there is..RAISING OUR CHILDREN.  Stop making us beg to telecommute to work....make it commonplace!  STOP turning our kids into factory drones with your antiquated school system.
Anarchists, Stick it on your skateboards, grown folks are talking.  Just slow your roll and keep up the non violence.  When it was legal, the Panthers patrolled the highways armed with shotguns to make sure everything went smoothly.  You have cams on everything now, keep them rolling!  It's hilarious!  These "kids" have been raising each other on what people throw away for many years now.  The parks are a pleasant change of pace.  I hoped they would have renamed them ALL "Straberry Fields" for John Lennon's birthday, but he even got dissed by the Google splash page!!  The 1% is certainly showing their collective a$$es, so y'all just keep letting them make fools of themselves while we figure out a way to get you the portable hot spots and whatever you need to get by until they get their butts off The Hill.  Listen to President Obama's State of the Union Address again.  You'll hear what I'm trying to tell you.  Notice who didn't stand and cheer when he said he wanted to strengthen the information superhighway in order to bring innovations in Education.  THEY want to keep on cranking out factory drones!  I knew I could trust him when he wouldn't give up his Blackberry!  LOL

If limitations inflicted by those controlling the flow of knowledge/education/enlightenment due to those profiting from withholding the bandwidth we need to move forward with developing the technologies necessary to bring affordable/free education to the masses.  Isn't there some way we can take legal action?  Back in '81, it was a sponge that broke up the Ma Bell / ATT whatever Monopoly.  This is also holding up the flow and advancement of e-commerce!
Sprint pulled a rather impressive Revenge of the Nerds and Buying the Jocks, holding up the NBA.  They've had their day.  Isn't it time to make them get ours?  C'mon....can I get a precedence, halleluyer.

Unfinished rant I'm in the middle The 99%

While I'm trying to figure this out, I'll be dumping thoughts I've had recently and over the years regarding the view of the world of "Nobody in Particular" aka ThyGeekGoddess, aka MuzeBl aka Muze Ackland aka Teh_Muze aka.....

ATM, I'm hoping to help keep the non-violence going by sharing what I know or see from my POV.  Your mileage may certainly vary.

As the corporate plantation struggles to engulf the rest of the country like it did some of my folks years ago, I'm checking in with friends of other backgrounds snarking, "I'll bet you wish you'd have studied our Black History instead of snapping Rebel Flags in our faces."  We told it to you, we sang it to you, we were tellin' it on the mountain, and tried to show you the lies were in your way when we tried to have a dream.  OUR history is YOUR history and if you can't see it by now, I don't know what can be said.  
These minions are going by the Willie Lynch playbook again.  If you don't know who Willie Lynch was, or might have been, google it, I'm tired of doing your homework for you.  
Around 1981 or so, I asked Dad about his apparent workaholism.  I was concerned, but it really didn't seem to bother him.  Back in the 70s, maybe sooner, Dad took up a funny habit when he got home from work.  He'd pull up in his little Dodge Colt (by Mitzubishi),  take off his badge and blazer, loosen his noose, cuss out the front page of the Washington Post and yell at the evening news until dinner time.  When the hellfires stopped shooting out his nose and we were at the table, I asked him why.  I wondered if the front page had some code that said, "Blackwell, it's your time to bring the donuts" or some such shit.  
So, I said something like...So Dad, what's with all the crazy?  Why not get the Star instead?  Why don't you watch Oprah instead?  She's cool!  If I had to watch the news, I flipped to channel 13, holding the antenna if need be. 
He started talking about politics...yada yada Don't stop at the president when you vote, yada yada yada yada Remember to find out how each voted in the Senate, yada yada yada, I'm and independent because, yada yada yawn.  
See?  I paid attention.
I asked him why we couldn't get a better president cuz ,DAYAMN!  
There's no money in it unless you're a crook.
The people with the active braincells are cashing in on the private sector.
I look at him watching his stock crash, cuz I thought he was a pretty smart guy, till then.
And I ask the obvious question.  "So, what are you doing at the agency, Mr. Wall Street guy?"
He tells me he's not connected like that and he's happy doing what he's doing.  It's not "work" to him.  Besides, there's no security in it.
Leaving me to envy the kids working with their families at the Chinese Restaurant.  The one with the most excellent sweet and sour pork.

Looking back, I realize what he was doing.  He got the truth at work and blew up at the lies the people were told.  He couldn't tell me this, of course.  Usually dinner went like...
Dad?  Did you have an interesting day at work?
"Damned Skippy!"
I put it together eventually.  Senior Systems Analyst Manager+DoD+Ft. Meade= you do the math, I'm tired of doing everybody's homework.

I've been writing on the 99% all day so I'm not bothering to edit now.... I'll get around to it...

re: Yanking folks out of the matrix...

Thanks for getting me.
When I saw The Matrix, I couldn't help but notice black folks get to survive that scenario. A few years ago, I learned it was written by a Black woman and I had to watch it again. Well, by that time, I could just replay the whole thing in my head! Yeah, yeah...I know I'm a maxie-zoom

­-dweebie. http://gue­rillaarts.­­orum/topic­s/668579:Topic:124­61

I can't help it when dirty little lies grow up into statistics­. The movie makes sense when I think of Black folks being out of the matrix, having to adjust in order to exist inside it. Things get hinky when you are forced to live against your true nature. We try to help, but when the Smith's get a hold of you, it's hard to get through. And the lie wins, for awhile.
The Oracle takes on a new meaning for me as well... I'll think about it when I get her book.
(points to time-stamp­)
I may not agree with this tomorrow..­.. Your mileage may certainly vary. 
(I had the post to blog thing working before...I must have borked it. I'm not much of an end user...sigh)

The Huff borked my post...

This country has had it's value system all borked up and sold the people onto the corporate plantation you see today. It's a twisted sense of independen

­ce that the uber rich preach, but don't follow. You don't see THEM tossing their kids into the street laughing at them while they flounder..­. like Cain who goes flaunting his wealth saying, "I got MINE, where's YOURS!". Families USED to pass on the wealth to their legacies so they wouldn't have to start life at 0 or a big gaping minus when they're trying to start their lives. For instance, my father was raised in a home passed down to his mother. My mother left land in Kansas...i­t's gone now. Dad's childhood home, a lovely old Victorian beauty...n­ow belongs to Hallmark. All of those amazing homes are now a green patch of grass. Medicaid ate up 2 homes in Kansas. They protect their legacies by stealing ours. 
When the corporate plantation sold our jobs, thousands at a time, I was just trying to get a handle on my own little piece of dirt, and now I'm in a one bedroom apartment. Shoot, I coulda partied through the last thirty years and done THIS "well". I overqualif
­ied my butt completely out of the game. So now that the baby boomers have sucked ALL the air out of the room...and started selling it. (air=bandw­idth such as cellular services) "time" when at this point in the telecommun­ications there is no need for the telephone poles Ma Bell wouldn't let anyone else play on until a guy stuck a sponge on the phone. sorry for the ramble, it's just how it comes out for me. It's just so frustratin­g to me that if you don't pay for the truth, all you get are lies. The media has been pimping the hard right agenda since Nixon! The world have been manipulate­d by lies people acted on. Like racism... Families like mine have been educators and communicat­ors since before we were allowed to read. Sure, we died and­d people didn't learn because they were lied to. Since the dawn of time, promoting ignorance, greed, division..­.same recipe for the same old crap. and they never stay quite sharp enough to make us fall for it because nothing can suppress the INFINITE. Evolution is going to happen whether you put it in the text books or not. 
Science, get over yourself! You act like the virus didn't exist before the microscope was invented! And you probably think this song is about YOU! True power is in the ability to uplift another, not in the oppression
­. Freeing a mind uplifts you. Oppressing another only makes you "better" than the poor sap you've smacked down. Eventually­, that poor sap gets to thinking. Geeks like me don't take that kind of mess for long. I am probably more powerful now, as busted up as I am, than anyone who tried to stomp me down. I'm a patient woman who has been waiting 46 years to see an active brain cell in the Oval Office. We came close, but Barack Hussein Obama is the one I've been waiting for. Simple minds think it's some kind of savior worship. We have got to admit that we haven't had any real common sense happening in Washington since Benjamin Franklin! Why can't we learn from our mistakes? And what's wrong with pointing those mistakes out? We do that with our children don't we? We don't stand for people lying to those we care about. And the answer is, to stop caring? Excuse me while I puke a little. Since the dawn of greed, people have been trying to monopolize the infinite and the best weapon against that is knowledge. So, President Obama said we need that tax money in order to bring quality education to the masses. Self Paced homeschool­ing plus telecommut­ing=green economy. 

Beware of those fighting empowermen
­t. These are not your friends! Billionair­es are so ignorant, they think we envy them. Wow...that­'s so pathetic!


For the past few weeks, my ears were ringing incessantly.  I think it was sound of my brain rewinding the past 44 years of lies and misdirects.  yes, I remember when I learned we were "scarey" at the age of 2.  I think I get touchy when people are hurt by the same crap I've suffered, when it's all based on a dirty that people happen to act on.  It's like I've been a freakin' guinea pig my whole life.  There weren't only observing me and my ancestors...they were also observing those who stood by.  I have three three ancestors that can relate, but still can't seem to hate the other two.  I mean, what's the point?  I was born at ground zero and all the crap rolled out from there.  My generation was a bunch of test subjects!  "Why does little Andrea test 99 percentile and her grades are just so-so"..Well, why did you try to bore me to death?  Did it ever occur to you that I needed to be staring out the window and hang with my higher self while you were teaching us how to count on our toes?  I suppose geniuses like my parents (my mother was from Kansas), just should NOT breed!  LOL 

I'm so excited about the 99% because it seemed it was NEVER going to happen.  And just when I was wondering when critical thinking skills will start to kick in and then the president says "Green Energy" and I'm good!!  I no longer need to wonder if I'm some kind of alien hybrid born in the NSA dungeon.  I'm from's one of those..."You know you're from Bowie if at least one of your friends doesn't know what their parents really do for a living" kind of places.  I understand why Dad used to cuss out the Washington Post after took of his badge and yell at teh evening news until dinnertime.  I remember how these kids feel when the see some bobble head doll cheat them out of their futures.  Let's just say, I think Little Man Tate was a wuss. lol..  So this is the beginning of a huge awakening.  And I just gotta get my snark-on.  I didn't know how it would come about...still watching the whole thing unfold.  I'm a Reiki master so this is very exciting.  A paradigm shift is and awesome thing to see.  It's a shame the media insists on blocking it.  But people are still not zooming out to see the bigger picture yet....the sharecropper's economy we've been sold into.  Imagine the "Oh shit" factor when folks really look at this thing. Poking fun at the GOP was fun, but it's getting old and Oakland PD is throwing gas cans at uniformed sailors asking them to let the protestors tend to the people they wounded.  They know the cams were rolling and still lying about it in the press conference.  The game is over...I'm just wondering what will happen when China finds out.
I guess I feel a lot like this guy... 

I'll be happy when I can get my blog formatted in some intelligible way.  But for now, I need to get some circulation happening in my legs. 

Chris Hedges: "This one could take them all down." Hedges on OWS w/ Occu...

occupy *.*

The 99% is making the truth known.  The big lie is being squashed and folks are realizing the oppression that has been choking the world.  As more and more countries rise up around the Globe, the love is flowing free and healing is happening now.
How can I be mad at folks who have been misinformed?  The corporate plantation got me too and I knew the truth....but stubbornly tried to live up to the family's expectations....tried to win the game.  I was informed and still got caught.  I'm really too busy laughing at myself to be mad at anybody.
I've been working on this problem for years....and keep getting the same answer.
You cannot monopolize the infinite.
There is no Freedom until all are Free
No peace while war exists...
No prosperity on the backs of others.
I wonder how this will all turn out...

Ignorance is the problem, education is accessible

It SHOULD say, "We the 53% were too lazy to study Black History and can't see the plantation rising up around us".  We've been waiting patiently, but folks don't listen.  I am a hyphenated-America, born in the United States of America.  I have no interest in this USA Inc the hard right is pimping.

Up until 81, ATT held a monopoly because they owned the phones, telephone poles and copper lines.  A sponge broke that up.  But now, with cellular technologies, they are charging people for the air between them.  It's all about education and commerce.  If everyone had a good education and fair access to commerce, we'd all rise up together.

So, it looks like it's time to beef up the internet again and get going with freeing up education.  Years ago, I noticed a big US Sprint sign on a stadium.  I thought, wow...revenge of the nerds.  The guys from the Bell labs were were dissed by ATT for so long, took their revenge by BUYING the jocks.  Now they've held the NBA hostage.  They won't play if you don't pay.  They went native and are sucking up the bandwidth again.
Every time we attempt demand improvements in education, they pull this same stunt of blaming little Julio for taking up a seat in a school offering inferior education.
Another thing that has been suppressed is access to telecommuting jobs.
Instead of offering women a choice, we ALL got pushed out into the workforce leaving kids to raise each other and we all know how THAT worked out.  Men couldn't be taught the value of motherhood since it didn't earn a paycheck and was degraded into something that had no value.

The truth is that quality education can be had by any kid with an iPad, iPod, Laptop, Android, game console, etc.  If you think TVs are smart now, wait until WE get hold of it.
Sprint and the other telecommunications companies are holding back the infrastructure that would bring quality education to the masses.  Face it, the school system we currently have is based on an antiquated institution built to train factory drones and it has YET to evolve!  They won't give it up until we pay dearly for it and where ATT complained that the telephone lines belong to them, telecommunications companies are charging for AIR!  With satellite communications and cell towers.....they are NOT providing much of anything since all we need is a few satellites and some cell towers.  This is what President Obama is trying to bring to the people!  Beware of ANYONE fighting education because ignorance is the way of oppression.    For the past 20 years, geeks all over the world have pushed technologies along, helping to bring more power to the internet.  Yelling WE NEED MORE COWBELL to they're support geeks in order to enhance services and help them learn how.
There has to be a precedence we can site to support this.  Charging for air?  REALLY?
must move on now... no time to edit any more.

The Internet/metverse has a need.....MORE COWBELL

Does anybody else notice that whenever somebody in Congress wants to do something stupid, they say, "The Obama admin did this, and the Obama admin did that", when pimping whatever agenda some 1% thinks will scare the masses into compliance?
Just look at the last few weeks, you'll see how they've been playing by the Willie Lynch playbook.
Nobody even knows if that letter is real in the first place.

Anyway, it's knowledge they're holding ransom and it's time to EMBOLDEN the IT backbone.  Since before they allowed Black folks to read, we've been calling for "More Cowbell" to get the 1% to quit holding back the flow of education.
At this point, 3D web is muddling along, on whatever we've been able to scrape up in time, money and knowledge.  What did you think the "overqualified" geeks of the world were doing???
We brought you L33T when we got to the internet...we were still nervous about spelling "Free Energy", so it looked like Fr33 NRG.  When we got busy signals trying to dial in on AOL, we yelled "MORE COWBELL" and we got Yahoo, Google and whatnot.  Before then, AOL held our URLs for ransom until AOHell and folks made it possible for us to back them to IE or whatever browser came out, I forget.  THEN we got busy signals until 2am.   "MORE COWBELL" we got DSL and internet through cable.  If you think your TV is smart now, wait until we get our own cable channel.  Meanwhile, we'll just keep on streaming our youtube video tutorials to your laptops, game consoles, iPads, IPhones.....just leave little Jose in school for now, OKAAAAY?  He is NOT the drain on the school system the 1% you think.  LOOK UP and see the big money trying to keep you ignorant while protecting you from whatever Boogeyman, Inc tells you to fear.  There is absolutely NO REASON that moms can't telecommute and go back home to raise their kids!  ERA was the 1% expanding the tax base!  What happened to the choice?  Sure, soap operas made the work place look so interesting and mistrust the men that we had to get out there and see what the fuss was all about.  You could have taught the difference between 'perceived value' and 'real value' in order to appreciate stay at home moms, but scared women into the workplace.  We saw what the men were up to....said, "Is THAT IT????" and couldn't find a way to do the most import an work there is..RAISING OUR CHILDREN.  Stop making us beg to telecommute to work....make it commonplace!  STOP turning our kids into factory drones with your antiquated school system.
Anarchists, Stick it on your skateboards, grown folks are talking.  Just slow your roll and keep up the non violence.  When it was legal, the Panthers patrolled the highways armed with shotguns to make sure everything went smoothly.  You have cams on everything now, keep them rolling!  It's hilarious!  These "kids" have been raising each other on what people throw away for many years now.  The parks are a pleasant change of pace.  I hoped they would have renamed them ALL "Straberry Fields" for John Lennon's birthday, but he even got dissed by the Google splash page!!  The 1% is certainly showing their collective a$$es, so y'all just keep letting them make fools of themselves while we figure out a way to get you the portable hot spots and whatever you need to get by until they get their butts off The Hill.  Listen to President Obama's State of the Union Address again.  You'll hear what I'm trying to tell you.  Notice who didn't stand and cheer when he said he wanted to strengthen the information superhighway in order to bring innovations in Education.  THEY want to keep on cranking out factory drones!  I knew I could trust him when he wouldn't give up his Blackberry!  LOL

If limitations inflicted by those controlling the flow of knowledge/education/enlightenment due to those profiting from withholding the bandwidth we need to move forward with developing the technologies necessary to bring affordable/free education to the masses.  Isn't there some way we can take legal action?  Back in '81, it was a sponge that broke up the Ma Bell / ATT whatever Monopoly.  This is also holding up the flow and advancement of e-commerce!
Sprint pulled a rather impressive Revenge of the Nerds and Buying the Jocks, holding up the NBA.  They've had their day.  Isn't it time to make them get ours?  C'mon....can I get a precedence, halleluyer.

Unfinished rant I'm in the middle The 99%

While I'm trying to figure this out, I'll be dumping thoughts I've had recently and over the years regarding the view of the world of "Nobody in Particular" aka ThyGeekGoddess, aka MuzeBl aka Muze Ackland aka Teh_Muze aka.....

ATM, I'm hoping to help keep the non-violence going by sharing what I know or see from my POV.  Your mileage may certainly vary.

As the corporate plantation struggles to engulf the rest of the country like it did some of my folks years ago, I'm checking in with friends of other backgrounds snarking, "I'll bet you wish you'd have studied our Black History instead of snapping Rebel Flags in our faces."  We told it to you, we sang it to you, we were tellin' it on the mountain, and tried to show you the lies were in your way when we tried to have a dream.  OUR history is YOUR history and if you can't see it by now, I don't know what can be said.  
These minions are going by the Willie Lynch playbook again.  If you don't know who Willie Lynch was, or might have been, google it, I'm tired of doing your homework for you.  
Around 1981 or so, I asked Dad about his apparent workaholism.  I was concerned, but it really didn't seem to bother him.  Back in the 70s, maybe sooner, Dad took up a funny habit when he got home from work.  He'd pull up in his little Dodge Colt (by Mitzubishi),  take off his badge and blazer, loosen his noose, cuss out the front page of the Washington Post and yell at the evening news until dinner time.  When the hellfires stopped shooting out his nose and we were at the table, I asked him why.  I wondered if the front page had some code that said, "Blackwell, it's your time to bring the donuts" or some such shit.  
So, I said something like...So Dad, what's with all the crazy?  Why not get the Star instead?  Why don't you watch Oprah instead?  She's cool!  If I had to watch the news, I flipped to channel 13, holding the antenna if need be. 
He started talking about politics...yada yada Don't stop at the president when you vote, yada yada yada yada Remember to find out how each voted in the Senate, yada yada yada, I'm and independent because, yada yada yawn.  
See?  I paid attention.
I asked him why we couldn't get a better president cuz ,DAYAMN!  
There's no money in it unless you're a crook.
The people with the active braincells are cashing in on the private sector.
I look at him watching his stock crash, cuz I thought he was a pretty smart guy, till then.
And I ask the obvious question.  "So, what are you doing at the agency, Mr. Wall Street guy?"
He tells me he's not connected like that and he's happy doing what he's doing.  It's not "work" to him.  Besides, there's no security in it.
Leaving me to envy the kids working with their families at the Chinese Restaurant.  The one with the most excellent sweet and sour pork.

Looking back, I realize what he was doing.  He got the truth at work and blew up at the lies the people were told.  He couldn't tell me this, of course.  Usually dinner went like...
Dad?  Did you have an interesting day at work?
"Damned Skippy!"
I put it together eventually.  Senior Systems Analyst Manager+DoD+Ft. Meade= you do the math, I'm tired of doing everybody's homework.

I've been writing on the 99% all day so I'm not bothering to edit now.... I'll get around to it...