VA Completes Over 1 Million Compensation Claims in 2012

Posted by Posted by Muzebl On 4:53 PM

VA Completes Over 1 Million Compensation Claims in 2012

Thank you President Obama for confiscating the VA Admin's paper shredders.
the GTOP must be voted out of office for these offensive acts.
Rachel Maddow was fuming that we had to wait a year.  That was how long you waited for the FIRST refusal.

1 Comment

  1. Muzebl Said,

    The socialist construct that is, the military, is a hotbed of ignorant bias that merely updates the rulebook from time to time. It was used quite successfully when the slaves were freed. It's sickening what they can get people to do in order to protect their livelihoods.
    After emancipation, what were the ex-slaves supposed to do? There were few choices... Military, sharecropping and joining the Indian nations. Those who wanted to be educated, paid and fed, went to the military and were sent to chase off the NDNs. The Buffalo Soldiers initially refused to kill, but were eventually threatened until they did. Sharecropping was actually debt slavery. We see where THAT got us. Look around and you'll see the plantation sucking up the masses. People complain about what comes out of their paychecks, but completely ignore what is NOT on it...namely, the REST of their paychecks. On the corporate plantation, the difference between the owners earnings and the workers is comparable to a slave wage.
    I suppose those who joined the nations to live like humans were ultimately shunned as traitors. Many of us Hyphenated-Americans found our native ancestry after our families tried to hide it from us. Being tribal people, the native communities offered more natural communal existence.
    It's rather easy to see why we have such a failed education system. It is kept that way by sick as it is. The schools are still using the old model used to train factory drones.
    After Reagan used our survivor benefits as a congressional slush fund to bail out the crash of '82 and the S&L, students like myself were robbed of our mother's contributions and tuition skyrocketed, leaving the military as the next viable choice. The wages made it nearly impossible to live anywhere but in the barracks and that choice was only offered if they were full or if you married. The military culture was so incredibly ignorant and bigoted, I found myself shunning the hoo-rah types and hung out in the more enlightened fringe circles. Civilian employers see military on your resume and decide you're easy to exploit.
    During DADT, gays and lesbians often married each other for the freedom to live off-base and do as they pleased. Lawd help you if you didn't conform mind, body and spirit to the fact that you are government property. Being a black woman wasn't easy in the avionics field, but being an intellectual from an educated, successful family drew quite a bit of fear since it was contrary to their beliefs. I was raised in a typical, 'Cosby Show' family. I had no idea how much animosity it would draw, having my GS15 dad stop by the shop. Had they not LIED to me about how to authorize a visitor, they never would have known his rating. I didn't even know Dad was like a rear-admiral until they claimed he needed a certain level to see the planes. Having to call my father, "Sir" turned them into MONSTERS.
    President Obama realizes the truth of the matter.
    True power is in the ability to uplift another, not in the oppression. Think about it. The oppressor is ONLY more powerful than the slave who's neck he's stomping on.
    If you have a strong, empty stomach, run the Willie Lynch Letter through a text editor and replace slave references with "employee" or "soldier" and slave owner references with "CEO" or 'commanding officer".

    Posted on November 8, 2012 at 3:31 PM


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VA Completes Over 1 Million Compensation Claims in 2012

VA Completes Over 1 Million Compensation Claims in 2012

Thank you President Obama for confiscating the VA Admin's paper shredders.
the GTOP must be voted out of office for these offensive acts.
Rachel Maddow was fuming that we had to wait a year.  That was how long you waited for the FIRST refusal.


Muzebl said...

The socialist construct that is, the military, is a hotbed of ignorant bias that merely updates the rulebook from time to time. It was used quite successfully when the slaves were freed. It's sickening what they can get people to do in order to protect their livelihoods.
After emancipation, what were the ex-slaves supposed to do? There were few choices... Military, sharecropping and joining the Indian nations. Those who wanted to be educated, paid and fed, went to the military and were sent to chase off the NDNs. The Buffalo Soldiers initially refused to kill, but were eventually threatened until they did. Sharecropping was actually debt slavery. We see where THAT got us. Look around and you'll see the plantation sucking up the masses. People complain about what comes out of their paychecks, but completely ignore what is NOT on it...namely, the REST of their paychecks. On the corporate plantation, the difference between the owners earnings and the workers is comparable to a slave wage.
I suppose those who joined the nations to live like humans were ultimately shunned as traitors. Many of us Hyphenated-Americans found our native ancestry after our families tried to hide it from us. Being tribal people, the native communities offered more natural communal existence.
It's rather easy to see why we have such a failed education system. It is kept that way by sick as it is. The schools are still using the old model used to train factory drones.
After Reagan used our survivor benefits as a congressional slush fund to bail out the crash of '82 and the S&L, students like myself were robbed of our mother's contributions and tuition skyrocketed, leaving the military as the next viable choice. The wages made it nearly impossible to live anywhere but in the barracks and that choice was only offered if they were full or if you married. The military culture was so incredibly ignorant and bigoted, I found myself shunning the hoo-rah types and hung out in the more enlightened fringe circles. Civilian employers see military on your resume and decide you're easy to exploit.
During DADT, gays and lesbians often married each other for the freedom to live off-base and do as they pleased. Lawd help you if you didn't conform mind, body and spirit to the fact that you are government property. Being a black woman wasn't easy in the avionics field, but being an intellectual from an educated, successful family drew quite a bit of fear since it was contrary to their beliefs. I was raised in a typical, 'Cosby Show' family. I had no idea how much animosity it would draw, having my GS15 dad stop by the shop. Had they not LIED to me about how to authorize a visitor, they never would have known his rating. I didn't even know Dad was like a rear-admiral until they claimed he needed a certain level to see the planes. Having to call my father, "Sir" turned them into MONSTERS.
President Obama realizes the truth of the matter.
True power is in the ability to uplift another, not in the oppression. Think about it. The oppressor is ONLY more powerful than the slave who's neck he's stomping on.
If you have a strong, empty stomach, run the Willie Lynch Letter through a text editor and replace slave references with "employee" or "soldier" and slave owner references with "CEO" or 'commanding officer".

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