
Posted by Posted by Muzebl On 8:59 PM

For the past few weeks, my ears were ringing incessantly.  I think it was sound of my brain rewinding the past 44 years of lies and misdirects.  yes, I remember when I learned we were "scarey" at the age of 2.  I think I get touchy when people are hurt by the same crap I've suffered, when it's all based on a dirty that people happen to act on.  It's like I've been a freakin' guinea pig my whole life.  There weren't only observing me and my ancestors...they were also observing those who stood by.  I have three three ancestors that can relate, but still can't seem to hate the other two.  I mean, what's the point?  I was born at ground zero and all the crap rolled out from there.  My generation was a bunch of test subjects!  "Why does little Andrea test 99 percentile and her grades are just so-so"..Well, why did you try to bore me to death?  Did it ever occur to you that I needed to be staring out the window and hang with my higher self while you were teaching us how to count on our toes?  I suppose geniuses like my parents (my mother was from Kansas), just should NOT breed!  LOL 

I'm so excited about the 99% because it seemed it was NEVER going to happen.  And just when I was wondering when critical thinking skills will start to kick in and then the president says "Green Energy" and I'm good!!  I no longer need to wonder if I'm some kind of alien hybrid born in the NSA dungeon.  I'm from's one of those..."You know you're from Bowie if at least one of your friends doesn't know what their parents really do for a living" kind of places.  I understand why Dad used to cuss out the Washington Post after took of his badge and yell at teh evening news until dinnertime.  I remember how these kids feel when the see some bobble head doll cheat them out of their futures.  Let's just say, I think Little Man Tate was a wuss. lol..  So this is the beginning of a huge awakening.  And I just gotta get my snark-on.  I didn't know how it would come about...still watching the whole thing unfold.  I'm a Reiki master so this is very exciting.  A paradigm shift is and awesome thing to see.  It's a shame the media insists on blocking it.  But people are still not zooming out to see the bigger picture yet....the sharecropper's economy we've been sold into.  Imagine the "Oh shit" factor when folks really look at this thing. Poking fun at the GOP was fun, but it's getting old and Oakland PD is throwing gas cans at uniformed sailors asking them to let the protestors tend to the people they wounded.  They know the cams were rolling and still lying about it in the press conference.  The game is over...I'm just wondering what will happen when China finds out.
I guess I feel a lot like this guy... 

I'll be happy when I can get my blog formatted in some intelligible way.  But for now, I need to get some circulation happening in my legs. 


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For the past few weeks, my ears were ringing incessantly.  I think it was sound of my brain rewinding the past 44 years of lies and misdirects.  yes, I remember when I learned we were "scarey" at the age of 2.  I think I get touchy when people are hurt by the same crap I've suffered, when it's all based on a dirty that people happen to act on.  It's like I've been a freakin' guinea pig my whole life.  There weren't only observing me and my ancestors...they were also observing those who stood by.  I have three three ancestors that can relate, but still can't seem to hate the other two.  I mean, what's the point?  I was born at ground zero and all the crap rolled out from there.  My generation was a bunch of test subjects!  "Why does little Andrea test 99 percentile and her grades are just so-so"..Well, why did you try to bore me to death?  Did it ever occur to you that I needed to be staring out the window and hang with my higher self while you were teaching us how to count on our toes?  I suppose geniuses like my parents (my mother was from Kansas), just should NOT breed!  LOL 

I'm so excited about the 99% because it seemed it was NEVER going to happen.  And just when I was wondering when critical thinking skills will start to kick in and then the president says "Green Energy" and I'm good!!  I no longer need to wonder if I'm some kind of alien hybrid born in the NSA dungeon.  I'm from's one of those..."You know you're from Bowie if at least one of your friends doesn't know what their parents really do for a living" kind of places.  I understand why Dad used to cuss out the Washington Post after took of his badge and yell at teh evening news until dinnertime.  I remember how these kids feel when the see some bobble head doll cheat them out of their futures.  Let's just say, I think Little Man Tate was a wuss. lol..  So this is the beginning of a huge awakening.  And I just gotta get my snark-on.  I didn't know how it would come about...still watching the whole thing unfold.  I'm a Reiki master so this is very exciting.  A paradigm shift is and awesome thing to see.  It's a shame the media insists on blocking it.  But people are still not zooming out to see the bigger picture yet....the sharecropper's economy we've been sold into.  Imagine the "Oh shit" factor when folks really look at this thing. Poking fun at the GOP was fun, but it's getting old and Oakland PD is throwing gas cans at uniformed sailors asking them to let the protestors tend to the people they wounded.  They know the cams were rolling and still lying about it in the press conference.  The game is over...I'm just wondering what will happen when China finds out.
I guess I feel a lot like this guy... 

I'll be happy when I can get my blog formatted in some intelligible way.  But for now, I need to get some circulation happening in my legs. 


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