Ignorance is the problem, education is accessible

Posted by Posted by Muzebl On 7:23 AM

It SHOULD say, "We the 53% were too lazy to study Black History and can't see the plantation rising up around us".  We've been waiting patiently, but folks don't listen.  I am a hyphenated-America, born in the United States of America.  I have no interest in this USA Inc the hard right is pimping.

Up until 81, ATT held a monopoly because they owned the phones, telephone poles and copper lines.  A sponge broke that up.  But now, with cellular technologies, they are charging people for the air between them.  It's all about education and commerce.  If everyone had a good education and fair access to commerce, we'd all rise up together.

So, it looks like it's time to beef up the internet again and get going with freeing up education.  Years ago, I noticed a big US Sprint sign on a stadium.  I thought, wow...revenge of the nerds.  The guys from the Bell labs were were dissed by ATT for so long, took their revenge by BUYING the jocks.  Now they've held the NBA hostage.  They won't play if you don't pay.  They went native and are sucking up the bandwidth again.
Every time we attempt demand improvements in education, they pull this same stunt of blaming little Julio for taking up a seat in a school offering inferior education.
Another thing that has been suppressed is access to telecommuting jobs.
Instead of offering women a choice, we ALL got pushed out into the workforce leaving kids to raise each other and we all know how THAT worked out.  Men couldn't be taught the value of motherhood since it didn't earn a paycheck and was degraded into something that had no value.

The truth is that quality education can be had by any kid with an iPad, iPod, Laptop, Android, game console, etc.  If you think TVs are smart now, wait until WE get hold of it.
Sprint and the other telecommunications companies are holding back the infrastructure that would bring quality education to the masses.  Face it, the school system we currently have is based on an antiquated institution built to train factory drones and it has YET to evolve!  They won't give it up until we pay dearly for it and where ATT complained that the telephone lines belong to them, telecommunications companies are charging for AIR!  With satellite communications and cell towers.....they are NOT providing much of anything since all we need is a few satellites and some cell towers.  This is what President Obama is trying to bring to the people!  Beware of ANYONE fighting education because ignorance is the way of oppression.    For the past 20 years, geeks all over the world have pushed technologies along, helping to bring more power to the internet.  Yelling WE NEED MORE COWBELL to they're support geeks in order to enhance services and help them learn how.
There has to be a precedence we can site to support this.  Charging for air?  REALLY?
must move on now... no time to edit any more.

1 Comment

  1. Muzebl Said,

    About all these shootings. A PhD Candidate? RLY?

    After the obvious, I think about the failing school system. Huffington post word limits really bork up the thought process...so I'm pasting stuff here....
    As a divergent thinker, this will be my notepad.

    I was raised by teachers and they were always talking about the dummy-down of America. That goes back to the 70s. The household moto was "Do NOT depend on schools to educate yourself or your children". I couldn't afford to jump hoops or pay for a paper that went higher than BS. In my family, that's a drop-out. I should be a billionaire in 5...4...3..
    As soon as I find MY garage. The metaverse is calling.
    One day, the phones went down in the call center so we got to know our cube-mates on the corporate plantation.
    (queue the movie, "Office Space" and "Dogma" )
    God bless View Askew

    So yeah, Mercury went retrograde and the east coast wasn't receiving calls.....none. I worried, but they assured me that the west coast needed something to do. Oh how pwned I was.
    I got over it and enjoyed at yacking at THEM for awhile. We ALL needed a break from Monsterboard.
    We discussed the likelihood of our department getting sold.
    How can they do without us?
    Someone pointed to the Knowledge Base. We gasped, "They Couldn't!"
    He said, "They can!",
    "We're hosed"
    "Now what?"
    "Anything but THIS!"
    And people ask, Where are OUR Platos, Where are OUR Beethovens?
    My answer : "Two Cubies down"
    I started to think of how people decorated their cubies. Chances are, this job was funding their true passions. Considering the mentality in the room, we could have done quite well with our own garages. *cough*
    I saw Rembrandt's and Escher's, Dale Evan's and gurus....aligning printers and rebooting servers.
    For word count's sake, let's just say personhood disgraced their founding fathers.
    (queue the Matrix)

    These programs are underfunded and it's no surprise that the mental deficients are the ones "beautiful minds" have to deal with.....
    We need a third party led by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

    It's difficult to express what it feels like to be stuck in a 5th grade class for the duration of your educational and professional career.

    It's an evolutionary fact that the upper crust needs to be scraped off once in awhile.

    Posted on July 21, 2012 at 12:45 AM


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Ignorance is the problem, education is accessible

It SHOULD say, "We the 53% were too lazy to study Black History and can't see the plantation rising up around us".  We've been waiting patiently, but folks don't listen.  I am a hyphenated-America, born in the United States of America.  I have no interest in this USA Inc the hard right is pimping.

Up until 81, ATT held a monopoly because they owned the phones, telephone poles and copper lines.  A sponge broke that up.  But now, with cellular technologies, they are charging people for the air between them.  It's all about education and commerce.  If everyone had a good education and fair access to commerce, we'd all rise up together.

So, it looks like it's time to beef up the internet again and get going with freeing up education.  Years ago, I noticed a big US Sprint sign on a stadium.  I thought, wow...revenge of the nerds.  The guys from the Bell labs were were dissed by ATT for so long, took their revenge by BUYING the jocks.  Now they've held the NBA hostage.  They won't play if you don't pay.  They went native and are sucking up the bandwidth again.
Every time we attempt demand improvements in education, they pull this same stunt of blaming little Julio for taking up a seat in a school offering inferior education.
Another thing that has been suppressed is access to telecommuting jobs.
Instead of offering women a choice, we ALL got pushed out into the workforce leaving kids to raise each other and we all know how THAT worked out.  Men couldn't be taught the value of motherhood since it didn't earn a paycheck and was degraded into something that had no value.

The truth is that quality education can be had by any kid with an iPad, iPod, Laptop, Android, game console, etc.  If you think TVs are smart now, wait until WE get hold of it.
Sprint and the other telecommunications companies are holding back the infrastructure that would bring quality education to the masses.  Face it, the school system we currently have is based on an antiquated institution built to train factory drones and it has YET to evolve!  They won't give it up until we pay dearly for it and where ATT complained that the telephone lines belong to them, telecommunications companies are charging for AIR!  With satellite communications and cell towers.....they are NOT providing much of anything since all we need is a few satellites and some cell towers.  This is what President Obama is trying to bring to the people!  Beware of ANYONE fighting education because ignorance is the way of oppression.    For the past 20 years, geeks all over the world have pushed technologies along, helping to bring more power to the internet.  Yelling WE NEED MORE COWBELL to they're support geeks in order to enhance services and help them learn how.
There has to be a precedence we can site to support this.  Charging for air?  REALLY?
must move on now... no time to edit any more.


Muzebl said...

About all these shootings. A PhD Candidate? RLY?

After the obvious, I think about the failing school system. Huffington post word limits really bork up the thought process...so I'm pasting stuff here....
As a divergent thinker, this will be my notepad.

I was raised by teachers and they were always talking about the dummy-down of America. That goes back to the 70s. The household moto was "Do NOT depend on schools to educate yourself or your children". I couldn't afford to jump hoops or pay for a paper that went higher than BS. In my family, that's a drop-out. I should be a billionaire in 5...4...3..
As soon as I find MY garage. The metaverse is calling.
One day, the phones went down in the call center so we got to know our cube-mates on the corporate plantation.
(queue the movie, "Office Space" and "Dogma" )
God bless View Askew

So yeah, Mercury went retrograde and the east coast wasn't receiving calls.....none. I worried, but they assured me that the west coast needed something to do. Oh how pwned I was.
I got over it and enjoyed at yacking at THEM for awhile. We ALL needed a break from Monsterboard.
We discussed the likelihood of our department getting sold.
How can they do without us?
Someone pointed to the Knowledge Base. We gasped, "They Couldn't!"
He said, "They can!",
"We're hosed"
"Now what?"
"Anything but THIS!"
And people ask, Where are OUR Platos, Where are OUR Beethovens?
My answer : "Two Cubies down"
I started to think of how people decorated their cubies. Chances are, this job was funding their true passions. Considering the mentality in the room, we could have done quite well with our own garages. *cough*
I saw Rembrandt's and Escher's, Dale Evan's and gurus....aligning printers and rebooting servers.
For word count's sake, let's just say personhood disgraced their founding fathers.
(queue the Matrix)

These programs are underfunded and it's no surprise that the mental deficients are the ones "beautiful minds" have to deal with.....
We need a third party led by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

It's difficult to express what it feels like to be stuck in a 5th grade class for the duration of your educational and professional career.

It's an evolutionary fact that the upper crust needs to be scraped off once in awhile.

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