Unfinished rant I'm in the middle of...re: The 99%

Posted by Posted by Muzebl On 6:08 PM

While I'm trying to figure this out, I'll be dumping thoughts I've had recently and over the years regarding the view of the world of "Nobody in Particular" aka ThyGeekGoddess, aka MuzeBl aka Muze Ackland aka Teh_Muze aka.....

ATM, I'm hoping to help keep the non-violence going by sharing what I know or see from my POV.  Your mileage may certainly vary.

As the corporate plantation struggles to engulf the rest of the country like it did some of my folks years ago, I'm checking in with friends of other backgrounds snarking, "I'll bet you wish you'd have studied our Black History instead of snapping Rebel Flags in our faces."  We told it to you, we sang it to you, we were tellin' it on the mountain, and tried to show you the lies were in your way when we tried to have a dream.  OUR history is YOUR history and if you can't see it by now, I don't know what can be said.  
These minions are going by the Willie Lynch playbook again.  If you don't know who Willie Lynch was, or might have been, google it, I'm tired of doing your homework for you.  
Around 1981 or so, I asked Dad about his apparent workaholism.  I was concerned, but it really didn't seem to bother him.  Back in the 70s, maybe sooner, Dad took up a funny habit when he got home from work.  He'd pull up in his little Dodge Colt (by Mitzubishi),  take off his badge and blazer, loosen his noose, cuss out the front page of the Washington Post and yell at the evening news until dinner time.  When the hellfires stopped shooting out his nose and we were at the table, I asked him why.  I wondered if the front page had some code that said, "Blackwell, it's your time to bring the donuts" or some such shit.  
So, I said something like...So Dad, what's with all the crazy?  Why not get the Star instead?  Why don't you watch Oprah instead?  She's cool!  If I had to watch the news, I flipped to channel 13, holding the antenna if need be. 
He started talking about politics...yada yada Don't stop at the president when you vote, yada yada yada yada Remember to find out how each voted in the Senate, yada yada yada, I'm and independent because, yada yada yawn.  
See?  I paid attention.
I asked him why we couldn't get a better president cuz ,DAYAMN!  
There's no money in it unless you're a crook.
The people with the active braincells are cashing in on the private sector.
I look at him watching his stock crash, cuz I thought he was a pretty smart guy, till then.
And I ask the obvious question.  "So, what are you doing at the agency, Mr. Wall Street guy?"
He tells me he's not connected like that and he's happy doing what he's doing.  It's not "work" to him.  Besides, there's no security in it.
Leaving me to envy the kids working with their families at the Chinese Restaurant.  The one with the most excellent sweet and sour pork.

Looking back, I realize what he was doing.  He got the truth at work and blew up at the lies the people were told.  He couldn't tell me this, of course.  Usually dinner went like...
Dad?  Did you have an interesting day at work?
"Damned Skippy!"
I put it together eventually.  Senior Systems Analyst Manager+DoD+Ft. Meade= you do the math, I'm tired of doing everybody's homework.

I've been writing on the 99% all day so I'm not bothering to edit now.... I'll get around to it...


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Unfinished rant I'm in the middle of...re: The 99%

While I'm trying to figure this out, I'll be dumping thoughts I've had recently and over the years regarding the view of the world of "Nobody in Particular" aka ThyGeekGoddess, aka MuzeBl aka Muze Ackland aka Teh_Muze aka.....

ATM, I'm hoping to help keep the non-violence going by sharing what I know or see from my POV.  Your mileage may certainly vary.

As the corporate plantation struggles to engulf the rest of the country like it did some of my folks years ago, I'm checking in with friends of other backgrounds snarking, "I'll bet you wish you'd have studied our Black History instead of snapping Rebel Flags in our faces."  We told it to you, we sang it to you, we were tellin' it on the mountain, and tried to show you the lies were in your way when we tried to have a dream.  OUR history is YOUR history and if you can't see it by now, I don't know what can be said.  
These minions are going by the Willie Lynch playbook again.  If you don't know who Willie Lynch was, or might have been, google it, I'm tired of doing your homework for you.  
Around 1981 or so, I asked Dad about his apparent workaholism.  I was concerned, but it really didn't seem to bother him.  Back in the 70s, maybe sooner, Dad took up a funny habit when he got home from work.  He'd pull up in his little Dodge Colt (by Mitzubishi),  take off his badge and blazer, loosen his noose, cuss out the front page of the Washington Post and yell at the evening news until dinner time.  When the hellfires stopped shooting out his nose and we were at the table, I asked him why.  I wondered if the front page had some code that said, "Blackwell, it's your time to bring the donuts" or some such shit.  
So, I said something like...So Dad, what's with all the crazy?  Why not get the Star instead?  Why don't you watch Oprah instead?  She's cool!  If I had to watch the news, I flipped to channel 13, holding the antenna if need be. 
He started talking about politics...yada yada Don't stop at the president when you vote, yada yada yada yada Remember to find out how each voted in the Senate, yada yada yada, I'm and independent because, yada yada yawn.  
See?  I paid attention.
I asked him why we couldn't get a better president cuz ,DAYAMN!  
There's no money in it unless you're a crook.
The people with the active braincells are cashing in on the private sector.
I look at him watching his stock crash, cuz I thought he was a pretty smart guy, till then.
And I ask the obvious question.  "So, what are you doing at the agency, Mr. Wall Street guy?"
He tells me he's not connected like that and he's happy doing what he's doing.  It's not "work" to him.  Besides, there's no security in it.
Leaving me to envy the kids working with their families at the Chinese Restaurant.  The one with the most excellent sweet and sour pork.

Looking back, I realize what he was doing.  He got the truth at work and blew up at the lies the people were told.  He couldn't tell me this, of course.  Usually dinner went like...
Dad?  Did you have an interesting day at work?
"Damned Skippy!"
I put it together eventually.  Senior Systems Analyst Manager+DoD+Ft. Meade= you do the math, I'm tired of doing everybody's homework.

I've been writing on the 99% all day so I'm not bothering to edit now.... I'll get around to it...


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