The Internet/metverse has a need.....MORE COWBELL

Posted by Posted by Muzebl On 7:09 PM

Does anybody else notice that whenever somebody in Congress wants to do something stupid, they say, "The Obama admin did this, and the Obama admin did that", when pimping whatever agenda some 1% thinks will scare the masses into compliance?
Just look at the last few weeks, you'll see how they've been playing by the Willie Lynch playbook.
Nobody even knows if that letter is real in the first place.

Anyway, it's knowledge they're holding ransom and it's time to EMBOLDEN the IT backbone.  Since before they allowed Black folks to read, we've been calling for "More Cowbell" to get the 1% to quit holding back the flow of education.
At this point, 3D web is muddling along, on whatever we've been able to scrape up in time, money and knowledge.  What did you think the "overqualified" geeks of the world were doing???
We brought you L33T when we got to the internet...we were still nervous about spelling "Free Energy", so it looked like Fr33 NRG.  When we got busy signals trying to dial in on AOL, we yelled "MORE COWBELL" and we got Yahoo, Google and whatnot.  Before then, AOL held our URLs for ransom until AOHell and folks made it possible for us to back them to IE or whatever browser came out, I forget.  THEN we got busy signals until 2am.   "MORE COWBELL" we got DSL and internet through cable.  If you think your TV is smart now, wait until we get our own cable channel.  Meanwhile, we'll just keep on streaming our youtube video tutorials to your laptops, game consoles, iPads, IPhones.....just leave little Jose in school for now, OKAAAAY?  He is NOT the drain on the school system the 1% you think.  LOOK UP and see the big money trying to keep you ignorant while protecting you from whatever Boogeyman, Inc tells you to fear.  There is absolutely NO REASON that moms can't telecommute and go back home to raise their kids!  ERA was the 1% expanding the tax base!  What happened to the choice?  Sure, soap operas made the work place look so interesting and mistrust the men that we had to get out there and see what the fuss was all about.  You could have taught the difference between 'perceived value' and 'real value' in order to appreciate stay at home moms, but scared women into the workplace.  We saw what the men were up to....said, "Is THAT IT????" and couldn't find a way to do the most import an work there is..RAISING OUR CHILDREN.  Stop making us beg to telecommute to work....make it commonplace!  STOP turning our kids into factory drones with your antiquated school system.
Anarchists, Stick it on your skateboards, grown folks are talking.  Just slow your roll and keep up the non violence.  When it was legal, the Panthers patrolled the highways armed with shotguns to make sure everything went smoothly.  You have cams on everything now, keep them rolling!  It's hilarious!  These "kids" have been raising each other on what people throw away for many years now.  The parks are a pleasant change of pace.  I hoped they would have renamed them ALL "Straberry Fields" for John Lennon's birthday, but he even got dissed by the Google splash page!!  The 1% is certainly showing their collective a$$es, so y'all just keep letting them make fools of themselves while we figure out a way to get you the portable hot spots and whatever you need to get by until they get their butts off The Hill.  Listen to President Obama's State of the Union Address again.  You'll hear what I'm trying to tell you.  Notice who didn't stand and cheer when he said he wanted to strengthen the information superhighway in order to bring innovations in Education.  THEY want to keep on cranking out factory drones!  I knew I could trust him when he wouldn't give up his Blackberry!  LOL

If limitations inflicted by those controlling the flow of knowledge/education/enlightenment due to those profiting from withholding the bandwidth we need to move forward with developing the technologies necessary to bring affordable/free education to the masses.  Isn't there some way we can take legal action?  Back in '81, it was a sponge that broke up the Ma Bell / ATT whatever Monopoly.  This is also holding up the flow and advancement of e-commerce!
Sprint pulled a rather impressive Revenge of the Nerds and Buying the Jocks, holding up the NBA.  They've had their day.  Isn't it time to make them get ours?  C'mon....can I get a precedence, halleluyer.


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The Internet/metverse has a need.....MORE COWBELL

Does anybody else notice that whenever somebody in Congress wants to do something stupid, they say, "The Obama admin did this, and the Obama admin did that", when pimping whatever agenda some 1% thinks will scare the masses into compliance?
Just look at the last few weeks, you'll see how they've been playing by the Willie Lynch playbook.
Nobody even knows if that letter is real in the first place.

Anyway, it's knowledge they're holding ransom and it's time to EMBOLDEN the IT backbone.  Since before they allowed Black folks to read, we've been calling for "More Cowbell" to get the 1% to quit holding back the flow of education.
At this point, 3D web is muddling along, on whatever we've been able to scrape up in time, money and knowledge.  What did you think the "overqualified" geeks of the world were doing???
We brought you L33T when we got to the internet...we were still nervous about spelling "Free Energy", so it looked like Fr33 NRG.  When we got busy signals trying to dial in on AOL, we yelled "MORE COWBELL" and we got Yahoo, Google and whatnot.  Before then, AOL held our URLs for ransom until AOHell and folks made it possible for us to back them to IE or whatever browser came out, I forget.  THEN we got busy signals until 2am.   "MORE COWBELL" we got DSL and internet through cable.  If you think your TV is smart now, wait until we get our own cable channel.  Meanwhile, we'll just keep on streaming our youtube video tutorials to your laptops, game consoles, iPads, IPhones.....just leave little Jose in school for now, OKAAAAY?  He is NOT the drain on the school system the 1% you think.  LOOK UP and see the big money trying to keep you ignorant while protecting you from whatever Boogeyman, Inc tells you to fear.  There is absolutely NO REASON that moms can't telecommute and go back home to raise their kids!  ERA was the 1% expanding the tax base!  What happened to the choice?  Sure, soap operas made the work place look so interesting and mistrust the men that we had to get out there and see what the fuss was all about.  You could have taught the difference between 'perceived value' and 'real value' in order to appreciate stay at home moms, but scared women into the workplace.  We saw what the men were up to....said, "Is THAT IT????" and couldn't find a way to do the most import an work there is..RAISING OUR CHILDREN.  Stop making us beg to telecommute to work....make it commonplace!  STOP turning our kids into factory drones with your antiquated school system.
Anarchists, Stick it on your skateboards, grown folks are talking.  Just slow your roll and keep up the non violence.  When it was legal, the Panthers patrolled the highways armed with shotguns to make sure everything went smoothly.  You have cams on everything now, keep them rolling!  It's hilarious!  These "kids" have been raising each other on what people throw away for many years now.  The parks are a pleasant change of pace.  I hoped they would have renamed them ALL "Straberry Fields" for John Lennon's birthday, but he even got dissed by the Google splash page!!  The 1% is certainly showing their collective a$$es, so y'all just keep letting them make fools of themselves while we figure out a way to get you the portable hot spots and whatever you need to get by until they get their butts off The Hill.  Listen to President Obama's State of the Union Address again.  You'll hear what I'm trying to tell you.  Notice who didn't stand and cheer when he said he wanted to strengthen the information superhighway in order to bring innovations in Education.  THEY want to keep on cranking out factory drones!  I knew I could trust him when he wouldn't give up his Blackberry!  LOL

If limitations inflicted by those controlling the flow of knowledge/education/enlightenment due to those profiting from withholding the bandwidth we need to move forward with developing the technologies necessary to bring affordable/free education to the masses.  Isn't there some way we can take legal action?  Back in '81, it was a sponge that broke up the Ma Bell / ATT whatever Monopoly.  This is also holding up the flow and advancement of e-commerce!
Sprint pulled a rather impressive Revenge of the Nerds and Buying the Jocks, holding up the NBA.  They've had their day.  Isn't it time to make them get ours?  C'mon....can I get a precedence, halleluyer.


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