The Huff borked my post...

Posted by Posted by Muzebl On 9:14 AM

This country has had it's value system all borked up and sold the people onto the corporate plantation you see today. It's a twisted sense of independen

­ce that the uber rich preach, but don't follow. You don't see THEM tossing their kids into the street laughing at them while they flounder..­. like Cain who goes flaunting his wealth saying, "I got MINE, where's YOURS!". Families USED to pass on the wealth to their legacies so they wouldn't have to start life at 0 or a big gaping minus when they're trying to start their lives. For instance, my father was raised in a home passed down to his mother. My mother left land in Kansas...i­t's gone now. Dad's childhood home, a lovely old Victorian beauty...n­ow belongs to Hallmark. All of those amazing homes are now a green patch of grass. Medicaid ate up 2 homes in Kansas. They protect their legacies by stealing ours. 
When the corporate plantation sold our jobs, thousands at a time, I was just trying to get a handle on my own little piece of dirt, and now I'm in a one bedroom apartment. Shoot, I coulda partied through the last thirty years and done THIS "well". I overqualif
­ied my butt completely out of the game. So now that the baby boomers have sucked ALL the air out of the room...and started selling it. (air=bandw­idth such as cellular services) "time" when at this point in the telecommun­ications there is no need for the telephone poles Ma Bell wouldn't let anyone else play on until a guy stuck a sponge on the phone. sorry for the ramble, it's just how it comes out for me. It's just so frustratin­g to me that if you don't pay for the truth, all you get are lies. The media has been pimping the hard right agenda since Nixon! The world have been manipulate­d by lies people acted on. Like racism... Families like mine have been educators and communicat­ors since before we were allowed to read. Sure, we died and­d people didn't learn because they were lied to. Since the dawn of time, promoting ignorance, greed, division..­.same recipe for the same old crap. and they never stay quite sharp enough to make us fall for it because nothing can suppress the INFINITE. Evolution is going to happen whether you put it in the text books or not. 
Science, get over yourself! You act like the virus didn't exist before the microscope was invented! And you probably think this song is about YOU! True power is in the ability to uplift another, not in the oppression
­. Freeing a mind uplifts you. Oppressing another only makes you "better" than the poor sap you've smacked down. Eventually­, that poor sap gets to thinking. Geeks like me don't take that kind of mess for long. I am probably more powerful now, as busted up as I am, than anyone who tried to stomp me down. I'm a patient woman who has been waiting 46 years to see an active brain cell in the Oval Office. We came close, but Barack Hussein Obama is the one I've been waiting for. Simple minds think it's some kind of savior worship. We have got to admit that we haven't had any real common sense happening in Washington since Benjamin Franklin! Why can't we learn from our mistakes? And what's wrong with pointing those mistakes out? We do that with our children don't we? We don't stand for people lying to those we care about. And the answer is, to stop caring? Excuse me while I puke a little. Since the dawn of greed, people have been trying to monopolize the infinite and the best weapon against that is knowledge. So, President Obama said we need that tax money in order to bring quality education to the masses. Self Paced homeschool­ing plus telecommut­ing=green economy. 

Beware of those fighting empowermen
­t. These are not your friends! Billionair­es are so ignorant, they think we envy them. Wow...that­'s so pathetic!


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The Huff borked my post...

This country has had it's value system all borked up and sold the people onto the corporate plantation you see today. It's a twisted sense of independen

­ce that the uber rich preach, but don't follow. You don't see THEM tossing their kids into the street laughing at them while they flounder..­. like Cain who goes flaunting his wealth saying, "I got MINE, where's YOURS!". Families USED to pass on the wealth to their legacies so they wouldn't have to start life at 0 or a big gaping minus when they're trying to start their lives. For instance, my father was raised in a home passed down to his mother. My mother left land in Kansas...i­t's gone now. Dad's childhood home, a lovely old Victorian beauty...n­ow belongs to Hallmark. All of those amazing homes are now a green patch of grass. Medicaid ate up 2 homes in Kansas. They protect their legacies by stealing ours. 
When the corporate plantation sold our jobs, thousands at a time, I was just trying to get a handle on my own little piece of dirt, and now I'm in a one bedroom apartment. Shoot, I coulda partied through the last thirty years and done THIS "well". I overqualif
­ied my butt completely out of the game. So now that the baby boomers have sucked ALL the air out of the room...and started selling it. (air=bandw­idth such as cellular services) "time" when at this point in the telecommun­ications there is no need for the telephone poles Ma Bell wouldn't let anyone else play on until a guy stuck a sponge on the phone. sorry for the ramble, it's just how it comes out for me. It's just so frustratin­g to me that if you don't pay for the truth, all you get are lies. The media has been pimping the hard right agenda since Nixon! The world have been manipulate­d by lies people acted on. Like racism... Families like mine have been educators and communicat­ors since before we were allowed to read. Sure, we died and­d people didn't learn because they were lied to. Since the dawn of time, promoting ignorance, greed, division..­.same recipe for the same old crap. and they never stay quite sharp enough to make us fall for it because nothing can suppress the INFINITE. Evolution is going to happen whether you put it in the text books or not. 
Science, get over yourself! You act like the virus didn't exist before the microscope was invented! And you probably think this song is about YOU! True power is in the ability to uplift another, not in the oppression
­. Freeing a mind uplifts you. Oppressing another only makes you "better" than the poor sap you've smacked down. Eventually­, that poor sap gets to thinking. Geeks like me don't take that kind of mess for long. I am probably more powerful now, as busted up as I am, than anyone who tried to stomp me down. I'm a patient woman who has been waiting 46 years to see an active brain cell in the Oval Office. We came close, but Barack Hussein Obama is the one I've been waiting for. Simple minds think it's some kind of savior worship. We have got to admit that we haven't had any real common sense happening in Washington since Benjamin Franklin! Why can't we learn from our mistakes? And what's wrong with pointing those mistakes out? We do that with our children don't we? We don't stand for people lying to those we care about. And the answer is, to stop caring? Excuse me while I puke a little. Since the dawn of greed, people have been trying to monopolize the infinite and the best weapon against that is knowledge. So, President Obama said we need that tax money in order to bring quality education to the masses. Self Paced homeschool­ing plus telecommut­ing=green economy. 

Beware of those fighting empowermen
­t. These are not your friends! Billionair­es are so ignorant, they think we envy them. Wow...that­'s so pathetic!


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